Woman Posts This Online After Speaking To A Veteran At Walmart

An Arkansas woman’s Facebook post has gone viral, describing an encounter with a Walmart employee. She discovered that he was a U.S. military veteran and experienced several historical events, and he shared some great words of advice. Read her post below.

Randi Roper Perkins

Yesterday, I went to a Walmart I go to regularly and saw a man I see there often. Mr. Billie had been moved from a greeter in the front of the store to a stool in the back of the store in the electronic section. I just happened to be waiting in line, mindlessly on my phone of course, when he motioned me over. He gave me a sticker and sang me a little song. Then he began to talk to me. At first, I was thinking about how I might lose my spot in line, but I decided to settle in and talk to Mr. Billie. I’m so glad I did!

I learned that Mr. Billie is an 85-year-old man, who is married. Both he and his wife work. I learned he is concerned about losing his job because he enjoys it and doesn’t want his wife to have to support them. I learned that he served our country in the Air Force for 8+ years, and he can tell you how many months and days. I learned he was the only one of 15 children to graduate high school, not because he was smart but because he was lucky.

I learned his second cousin was Brigadier General Chuck Yeagar, the man who broke the sound barrier. I learned that Mr Billie was in Alaska when it became a state and he remembers the flag being raised for the first time at the fort he was stationed. I watched as countless veterans came by to greet him, and Mr. Billie stood to salute them. We talked about how electronics are going to be the death of family histories being passed down. He remembers sitting around the fireplace with his parents and siblings and them sharing stories of their lives. We don’t do that anymore.

I learned that although they didn’t really talk about it, he believes his daddy was militia, not formal military. I learned about him being afraid to dance while he was stationed in California, even though they offered professional dance lessons. I learned that he had 2 children, and he lost his son several years ago. He told me I was the prettiest girl in the whole store, not to ever stop smiling, and that I light up the room.

It was the best 30 minutes I’ve spent in a long time! Mr Billie reminded me to slow down, get off my phone, and invest in someone else.


Clearly, many people were touched by her story. Several commenters showed their appreciation for the post.

Kanya Carlson

Mr Billie is a very popular guy and very well known in the community! My kids LOVE seeing him and he always sings! He is genuinely the best!

Wanda Gordon-Lewis

You did what the world needs to do, slow down and also care for others!!!

In a world where everyone’s moving faster and faster, and technology dominates our days, it’s beautiful to see someone take a step back and engage in a beautiful moment like this. Agree? Pass it on.

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