It’s hard to be a parent. While you always want the best for your child, it’s almost impossible not to make mistakes along the way. Many parents fall into the trap of putting unnecessary expectations on their children. But grades are never a complete measure of a child’s intelligence or prospects of success. A reader recently forwarded us this story about a mother’s concerns for her child who falls behind at school. Read it below.
“I was one of those lucky children for whom learning came easy. So, when I became a parent, I naturally assumed that if I read to both of my children faithfully and offered them fun, educational playtime, they would follow in my footsteps. They, too, would learn, and retain materials and receive all A’s as I had done.
Amanda, my first child, was right on target. She learned quickly and earned good grades. However, even though I practiced the same methods with my second child, Eric, I sensed that life would be a challenge, not only for his teachers, but for Eric and myself personally.
I did my part for this sweet, loving youngster who was never a discipline problem for anyone. I made sure his homework was completed each night, kept in touch with his teachers, and enrolled him in every assistance program the school had to offer. But, no matter how hard he struggled, report cards with C’s were met with frustration and tears. I could see his discouragement and feared he would lose all interest in learning. Soon I doubted myself.
Where had I failed my son? I wondered. Why couldn’t I motivate him to help him succeed? I felt if he didn’t excel in school, he would be unable to create a life of his own or support himself—and perhaps a family someday. Eric was sixteen-year-old when…