If asked to describe desperation, answers would vary greatly from person to person. One person’s misery could be another’s lucky day.
Because each person leads a different life story, expectations, values and dreams cannot be compared.
A Reddit user posted this story about a young girl’s powerful struggle.
Read what happened below.
In high school whenever there was a pizza party I would ask my teacher for the leftovers to bring home.
One time, I got the leftover pizza at lunch. Half a Little Caesar’s cheese pizza and 4 bread sticks. I was literally shaking with happiness, pizza was such a rare occasion for me and it was my absolute favorite food.
I took the city bus to my college class with the box on my lap. It sat next to me during class, people questioned me. I didn’t really know what to tell them. I was embarrassed.
Another bus ride home. 2 mile walk to the front door. I had been waiting for this all day. I put it in the oven and called my brothers and sisters from their rooms.
I was so happy to give them each a bread stick and a slice of pizza. I had carried that big, greasy box around for 6 hours just for them. They were 4, 6, 8, and 10. I didn’t get a slice but I was so happy that they had some. We could never afford pizza and it was a really special treat. The 6 year old gave me her crust. That’s my favorite part.
I remember going into my room, sitting on my bed, a mattress on the floor with no sheets, and crying while eating my crust. Now I remember that all my furniture was cardboard boxes. My nightstand, my bookshelf, my dresser…all boxes turned on their side or upside down. That was four years ago. I really want to go back and hug 16 yr old me and say things will get better. Not soon, and not by much, but it will happen.
It’s easy to lose sight of how fortunate we are when we are used to living a good life. It seems that we only realize our blessings when we experience a loss that snatches them away.
This young girl, who was forced to struggle for everything she had, understood the importance of life’s smallest pleasures. She was humble, not greedy.
And although she suffered, she never gave up. She knew how to survive.
Never forget to be grateful for all that you have.
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