Six Great Liberal Vs. Conservative Jokes That Are Pretty Much True

We recently asked readers to send us their best democrat vs republican jokes. Here are the best responses we received.


How many democrats does it take to change a light bulb? 5! Al Gore to insure it’s a CFL, an EPA agent in case the bulb breaks and a mercury cleanup is necessary, a person to bail out the home owner, an ACORN member to ensure that the right person changed the bulb, and a member of the media to celebrate the change.

via Kathy F fron Grand Rapids, Michigan


Did you hear about the new Obama Diet? You let Putin eat your lunch every day.

via Carl from New Braunfels, Texas


Today is #CyberMonday, the day you can buy anything online. And by “anything,” I mean anything but health insurance.

via anonymous


Q: What is the difference between a magician and a Liberal?
A: The magician returns your wallet at the end of the performance.

via John Calhoun


How do you turn a liberal into a conservative?
Move them out of their parents basement

via Michael W.


One a warm summer night, a Republican sees a man drowning 50 feet from the pier. He throws the man a 25 foot rope, and tells him to swim half way. The next night a Democrat sees a man drowning 50 feet from the pier as well. He throws him a 100 foot rope, then let’s go of his end.

via Kyle Becker

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