They Filmed This Bizarre Creature After It Washed Ashore, But What Exactly Is It?

Thanks to submarines and inquisitive scientists, we’ve never known more about the oceans than we do today. However. when you sit and think about it, we still don’t know all that much. Scientists estimate that we only know about two thirds (or less) of the total animal species in our planet’s oceans.

This video from Taiwan shows a very unusual sea creature that might spark terror in most people if they saw it in person.

Some of the commenters of the video presume it to be a type of invertebrate called a ribbon worm, or Nemertea. The Ribbon worm’s body is almost like a liquid on land due to the lack of bones. The tiny tongue like appendage that sticks out of its “mouth” is called a proboscis.

They use the proboscis in hunting to sting, poison, and paralyze their prey which can be small fish or clams.

This of course, goes under the assumption that the commenters are correct. It could be a whole new species!