Liberal Comedian Bill Maher Rips Into The Hypocrisy Of The Far Left Media

Liberal comedian Bill Maher recently ripped into the far left media, which takes political correctness to a level of absurdity.

One example is the highly visited leftist website, Media Matters, which criticized the Economist for putting an American flag made of up jalapeno peppers on their cover. The website claimed the use of jalapeno peppers was offensive to Hispanic-Americans.

Another more serious issue, yet just as mind-boggling, was a college president being forced to apologize for saying “all lives matter” instead of “black lives matter” in relation to the riots in Ferguson.

No matter what side of the political divide you may lie on, anyone with a bit of common sense can agree with Maher on this one. Still, the far left dominates much of the main street media and will continue to perpetuate these ultra-PC point of views until more and more liberal Americans come to the realization that it’s gone too far.

Hopefully Maher’s rant does a good job at waking a few up them up.