Dad Makes His Son Post This Humiliating Photo On Facebook In Order To Stop Him From Bullying

There are so many resources out for parents nowadays. The problem is that they actually make parenting even more confusing than it already is due to conflicting information. One of the most pressing issues in parenting is knowing how to discipline your child. Do you use public humiliation? Chores? Corporal punishment?

Well, Timothy Robenhorst decided to go the public humiliation route when he learned that his son Kayden had been bullying a classmate.

He made his son post the following image to his public Facebook account.

The image was posted allowing with this caption:

This is what happens when dad finds out you are being a bully at school. My golden rule is you don’t start fights or touch anyone unless they lay hands on you first. Feel free to tell Kayden how wrong it is to be a bully or share stories to help him understand the effects of these actions on the victoms. DO NOT ATTACK MY SON THIS IS TO BE A POSITIVE ACTION NOT NEGATIVE. *******PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS AS WELL TO HELP STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING OTHER PLACES AS WELL! THANK YOU!

Timothy thinks that the punishment must match the crime. Therefore Kayden’s punishment had to have a psychological and physical aspect just like bullying.

The physical part is waking Kayden up every morning at 4:30 to exercise and do landscaping. The psychological part is making  Kayden change his Facebook profile and cover picture to an image of him and his father holding up a paper sign displaying the crime and the punishment.

Do you think this father’s punishment will end up helping his young son or hurting? Did he go too far or did he get it just right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.