A ‘Cop Hater’ With A Warrant Was Stopped For Speeding. Then He Posted This Online.

A man recently posted this on Facebook after a traffic stop led to an outcome that he didn’t expect. Read his post below.

Mark E Ross

At 3am I got a phone call stating that my sister had been killed in a car accident due to some young dumb punk! I haven’t slept and instantly got on the road.

Of course we were speeding, trying to get back to Detroit. And we got pulled over in Ohio. I knew I was going to Jail due to a petty warrant.

The police called Wayne county and they refused to come get me because of the distance. I explained to the officer that my sister had died and that I needed to get to my mother asap. I broke down crying and he saw the sincerity in my cry. He REACHES OVER AND BEGAN PRAYING OVER ME AND MY FAMILY.

He offered to bring me 100 miles further to Detroit because they towed the vehicle.

Everybody knows how much I dislike Cops but I am truly Greatful for this Guy. He gave me hope


Ross’s Facebook post has since gone viral, garnering more than 80,000 shares in a matter of days. Despite his self-described “dislike” for police — that’s exactly who went above and beyond for him during his time of need.

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