A Disabled Woman Goes Through Therapy In Order To Walk Down The Aisle On Her Wedding Day

When Jennifer Darmon was paralyzed from the waist down in a car accident, she thought that she’d never be able to marry then-boyfriend Mike Belawetz.

For some men, a paralyzed bride would be a dealbreaker. But Jennifer’s husband Mike showed that his love was unconditional. He drove for 3 hours, 3 times a week to see her and help her during her rehabilitation. In an inspiring display of love, he told her “regardless of her future, that future would be spent as his wife”.

Upon hearing this, Jennifer was determined to walk down the aisle with her husband. As she put it “walking down the aisle isn’t an if or a maybe, its absolute.” Jennifer practiced walking in leg braces in a borrowed dress during her rehabilitation.

On her wedding day, Jennifer walked down the aisle as she promised with the help of her father and brother. She even had her wedding dance with Mike and he picked her up at the end!

Although their story started with a tragedy, Jennifer and Mike’s romance had a happy ending. Stories like these show that true love conquers all.