These 10 Clever Tricks Will Make Your Life Easier. All You Need Is A Pool Noodle.

If you love a good do-it-yourself project, then this will be right up your alley. These ideas are both practical and easy–and all you need are some pool noodles. If you don’t have any of these lying around, I’d definitely recommend picking up a few. You’ll be amazed when you see what all you can do with a simple pool toy.

Superstar Lifestyle shared these nifty tricks to help make your everyday life just a little bit easier.

Check out these ideas below.

1.  Tired of stubbed toes? Kick this instead.



2. A garden aid: better drainage & soil saver


3. A floating cooler for lazy summers


(See instructions here)

4. Delicate decor


5. Fight against creases


6. Kick your boots into shape


7. Help them grow up right–offer support


8. No more dinged car doors


9. Keep out the door drafts


(See instructions here)

10. Portable hose for your household chores


So, what are you waiting for? Give these a try, then pass it on. There’s always room for home improvement–especially when it’s this much fun.

Which idea are you itching to try? Share these ingenious tricks using the buttons below.