Have you ever been in a situation where you needed your phone more than anything but it was stone cold dead. Well, with this simple trick, you’ll never be stuck at the airport or locked outside the house with a cellphone that can’t help you.
Luckily, the YouTuber Greek Gadget Guru knows just the solution. If you have an Altoid mints tin and a battery, then you’re already ahead of the game. If you don’t, everything can be found for under three dollars.
If an Altoid mints tin and a battery sounds like trash, then you’d be right under ordinary circumstances. However, this internet Macguyver’s video shows that the tip clearly works!
If you’re ever in a situation where you don’t have a charger or an outlet handy, then try this trick. It’ll fit snugly into your purse or pocket, it’s not expensive, and it sure beats asking a stranger to use their phone!