Police Officer Was Stunned To See This Note After Leaving A Fellow Officer’s Funeral

Police Officer Was Stunned To See This Note After Leaving A Fellow Officer's Funeral

A police officer’s post has gone viral on social media, describing an unexpected occurrance while stopping at a local restaurant after a funeral for a fellow deputy. The post was shared on the popular Facebook page ‘Indiana Going Blue.’

Read it below.

Indiana Going Blue

My wife and I were on our way home from the funeral services for Deputy Carl Koontz. We decided to stop at Scotty’s Brewhouse on east 96th in Indy to get something to eat. I was still in uniform from the funeral and we had what I would call an ‘ordinary dining experience.’

The waitress was polite and helpful but didn’t treat me any different than I would expect her to treat any other patron, which is what I hope for when dining while in uniform. When we finished, she brought our check to us and told us someone knew what we had been doing today and paid for our meal.

They also left a note saying ‘Thanks for your service! Tough days don’t last!’

This stopped me momentarily and made me realize that people do see us and people do care. I can honestly say this happens to me a lot while on duty but this one was just a little more special.


Police officers risk their lives everyday to keep our communities safe. The least we can do is show them the care and respect they deserve.

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