Throw Some Bacon And Onions On The Grill And Make This Delicious BBQ Treat

Spring is quickly approaching, and there’s nothing better in warm weather than some old fashioned grilling. But grilling can be a little intimidating if you’re inexperienced.

Luckily, the YouTube channel Barbecue Web has concocted a fun, fresh, and exciting grilling recipe that’s perfect for the grilling novice. All you need are cayenne pepper, some bacon, cheese, and some tasty sweet onions.

Start by peeling and cross cutting the onions. To cross cut, all you need to do is make lots of small slices in one direction (remember not to go all the way through) and then make lots of small slices perpendicular to the previous ones. Think of a floor grate.

After that, place the onions on the grill and your spices of choice. Cayenne pepper works great for adding a zesty flavor and rich color. After the spices, pile bacon onto the top of the onions to add a smoky taste and some satisfying salty fat.

After the Bacon has turned brown, add your choice of cheese and grill for another minute. All you have to do next is plate up and eat.

These Bacon Cheese Buds are really simple to make, taste delicious, and they look great too.

For more great barbecue recipes be sure to check on the Barbecue Web YouTube channel.