Former Washington Post writer, Dylan Matthews, realizes that the government is a mess and has a radical plan to fix it all: Get rid of the senate, ditch the constitution, and establish a dictatorship in order to ensure lasting peace.
Matthews, who is now a staff reporter for Vox, believes that the checks-and-balances system of governing often causes progress on important issues to remain at a standstill due to clashing political ideologies.
In his piece on, titled “This is how the American system of government will die“, he writes:
“The United States’ system of government is a nightmare. The Constitution requires levels of consensus between branches of government that are not realistic in a modern country with ideologically polarized parties. The result is near-total policy stasis and gridlock that in some cases, like the debt ceiling crisis of 2011, risks stopping measures from taking effect that are necessary to prevent total calamity.”
His solution? Establish dictatorship in America. Yes, he really went there.
“The best-case scenario is that we wind up with an elective dictator but retain peaceful transitions of power. This is where I’d place my bet. Pure parliamentary systems, especially unicameral ones, give high levels of power to the prime minister and his cabinet, and manage to have peaceful transitions nonetheless.
While Matthews may have believed that he was breaking ground with his 2500 word essay, all it takes is a glance at the history books to see the outcome of such a move. Or just Google “World War 2.”