Cancer Patient’s Last Move Was 20-Years In The Making

Cancer hits hard and fast, and can often leave peoples lives in chaos. That doesn’t mean it’s time to give up on your dreams, however.

55 year old Indiana native Sam Martin was diagnosed with non-hodgkin’s lymphoma. He went through several courses of treatment and the cancer went into remission twice. Sadly, the cancer returned once more and had spread throughout his entire body. The doctors told Sam that he had only weeks to live before the cancer would end his life.


Sam decided to take the horrible news as a sign that he should do something he’d always meant to. Sam decided to marry his live-in girlfriend of 20 years, Trixie.

At the time, Sam was so weak that he couldn’t make the trip to get a marriage license. But Sam and Trixie were determined. After doing some investigating, they found Pastor Stew Armstrong who was willing to drive 45 minutes to marry the two where Sam was staying.


The ceremony was held bedside. There were guests, flowers, and a ring for Trixie. Thanks to the efforts of family, friends, and Pastor Armstrong, Trixie and Sam can spend the winter of Sam’s life together as a married couple.