If you’re a pet owner, you know how special the human-pet relationship is. Your pet is your best friend, but even though you feel like you understand your pet, you can’t be certain what he is actually thinking.
Nevertheless, you’ve undoubtedly had full on conversations with your pet. Maybe you’ve imagined what they might say if they were able to speak. (Probably mostly “feed me.”)
But out of all Earth’s creatures, parrots are set apart by one special thing no other animal besides a human can do.
Begent shared this joke about a bad-mouthed parrot who gets taught some manners.
Read the joke below.
A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary.
Every word out of the bird’s mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. John tried and tried to change the bird’s attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to ‘clean up’ the bird’s vocabulary.
Finally, John was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. John shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even more rude. John, in desperation, threw up his hand, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed.
Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute.
Fearing that he’d hurt the parrot, John quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out onto John’s outstretched arms and said “I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I’m sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behavior.”
John was stunned at the change in the bird’s attitude.
As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behavior, the bird spoke-up, very softly,
“May I ask what the turkey did?”
Well, that sure changed his tune quickly!
Who would have imagined that the first words out of a pet’s mouth would be totally filthy?
But this little birdie didn’t learn a dirty vocabulary on his own. Perhaps he was raised on a little too much T.V.
The profanity got scared right out of this bird. Maybe he’ll take up singing.
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