These 5 Roads Are Some Of The Most Terrifying, Yet Beautiful, Roads On The Planet

Truckers are used to driving on some pretty rough terrain. But this video listing the Top 5 most dangerous roads may have you thanking your lucky stars that you’ve never encountered anything like this … yet.

At number five, we have the Atlantic Road in Norway. The road is a snakelike stretch of pavement that’s constantly sprayed with frigid water from the surf below. It almost seems like something out of fiction. The only thing that keeps it from being higher is the guard rails

At number four, there’s the South Yungas Road in Bolivia. The path is about two cars wide. But one side of the road is mountain and the other side is a steep drop that equals almost certain death.

At number three is the Vitim River Crossing in Siberia. It’s a rickety looking wooden bridge that’s just wide enough for one average sized car. At least there’s water below if you fall.

At number two, it’s the Road from Shyari to Ishtyari in India. This road is quite narrow and is also a certain death drop if you fall off of the side.

The top spot is taken by the Himalayas in South Asia. It’s definitely the narrowest road here, with just enough space for one person on a bike. When the biker looks over the edge at 2:46 your stomach will flip.

Do you think you could handle these roads?