If You Thought This Floating House Looked Unique, Wait Until You See The Lower Level

For some reason, moving water has a hypnotic and relaxing effect on the mind. If you’ve ever been to an underwater aquarium on a slow day, you’ve probably experienced this effect for yourself.

What if we said there was a hotel room that offered the soothing effect of moving water and beautiful schools of fish floating by overhead?

The Manta Resort on the island of Pemba in the Indian Ocean has a special underwater suite that’s 13 feet below the ocean’s surface. The room has clear glass windows that you can look through while you’re in bed, so you can see all of the native aquatic life at your leisure.

The windows have lights attached that attract some interesting looking sea critters at night. There’s also an above sea level deck area that gives a breathtaking view of the sky, and a middle deck that has comfortable seating for drinks and fun.

If you suffer from seasickness, you won’t have to worry. The room is anchored to the ocean floor, so there’s no constant swaying.

The room is $900 dollars per night, which isn’t that bad when you think about what you’re getting. If you like fish and water, you owe it to yourself to book a night here!