This Puppy Leaves Her Owner Everyday. The Reason Why Will Leave You In Tears.

Therapy animals can change the lives of the sick or elderly. Alot of these people can go a whole day without seeing anyone but their nurse. But this black teacup poodle is making a difference on lap at a time.

The poodle “Nala” visits sick patients at a nursing home in Minnesota. She has a way of prioritizing the sickest patients, and can pick out those with things like alzheimer’s or dementia.

Nala belongs to one of the staff members. Apparently, he showed up one day with her and she took off on her own. When he brings her there, they only see each other in passing. She even takes the elevator to visit sick patients on other floors.

Every resident at the nursing home has their own pet name for Nala including “your majesty” and “princess”. The few moments of affection she gives to each patient truly makes a difference. According to all of the patients in the nursing home “Nala’s an angel, we love her”.