The Problem With The Obama Administration Summed Up In Just One Minute

Throughout history, world leaders have come in all shapes, sizes, and colors — but there’s one trait common among them all: standing firm on their beliefs.

From Churchill’s “Never give in” to Reagen’s “Tear down this wall”, time and time again great leaders have displayed an unwavering stance for the betterment of their societies.

Unfortunately it’s been one of the lacking traits of the current administration, seemingly from the get-go. With the recent strengthening of the terrorist group, ISIS, the president has been questioned on many occasions on his decision to remove troops from Iraq. His answer sparked this video that went viral:

To be fair, the plan to withdraw troops was already in place as Obama took office. But what’s alarming sad is the way he took credit for it on the campaign trail when it appeared to be in his favor, and completely flip-flopped on it when it became apparent that it might not have been the wisest course of action.

And that sums up the problem with the current administration — the lack of a firm stance. In other words, a lack of leadership.

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