President Obama’s Approval Rating Now Lower Than George W. Bush, But One Thing Is Strikingly Different

Conservatives in America repeatedly cry of a mainstream media liberal bias. But is there any truth to these claims? Apparently so.

According to a new Wall Street Journal poll, 46% of Americans disapprove of President Obama’s performance, while only 38% give a negative rating to George W. Bush.

There is a stark difference however in the three major networks’ reporting of the record low approval ratings. During the same period of their respective presidencies, both George Bush’s and Barrack Obama’s public approval was polled a similar amount of times. The reporting of the results however, has been shockingly different.


According to Fox News, there have been 9 reports this year between January 1st to Aug 31st of President Obama’s falling approval ratings, whereas George Bush’s low ratings were mentioned 124 times in the same time period.

Maybe there’s more important things going on in the world to worry about than to focus on polling results, like the rising of ISIS and the crisis on the southern border, or perhaps it’s just the type of news that the mainstream media doesn’t want the public to see.