Hundreds Of Animals Have This Cat To Thank For A Very Special Reason

Cats may very well be one of the most misunderstood creatures on the planet. They are often depicted as grumpy, selfish, snooty loners. The truth on the matter is, they can be as affectionate as human beings.

Rademenes is a fine example.

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Rademenes is a cat from Poland. When he was just 2-months-old he fell ill with a respiratory infection and was taken to the animal hospital in Bydgoszcz. His owners thought he was too sick to make a full recovery but he was rehabilitated thanks to the veterinarians.

Ever since then, Rademenes stayed at the animal shelter with his new owner, Lucyna Kuziel-Zawalich.

He now plays the important role as the “full-time nurse” in the shelter, cuddling, grooming and watching over the patients.
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He’s especially affectionate towards animals that have just undergone heavy surgery.
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Any animal that walks into the shelter can expect some love from Rademenes while they’re there.
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So if you thought all cats were selfish animals that only cared about hunting mice and taking naps, perhaps this was enough to change your mind.