Her Husband Never Returned From War, 60 Years Later She Finds Out the Remarkable Truth


Six weeks after they got married, Peggy’s husband went off to war. He never returned, nor did she hear an official response on his disappearance.

She assumed he was dead, but her love and grief lasted her entire life.

She never remarried, and 60 years later found out the heroic act her husband pulled off in his final moments in World War II.


Her Husband was shot down in July ’44, over Nazi occupied in territory in France. However, due to miscommunications, she was never made aware of that. But it was what he did in his final moments that made him a hero in a French village.

As his plane went down he managed to maintain control and steer away from the village, coming to his death while saving the lives of innocent civilians living in town.

Now, they honor him every year and even renamed their main road in his honor.

60 years later, she finally has closure and finds comfort with the townsfolk who pay homage to the sacrifice her late husband made in order to save them. He was a hero until his dying moment.