He Grabs A Pot Off The Stove And Pours It In His Garden. The Reason? Genius.

Spring has passed and gone and we are now approaching the Summer. This could be a tough time for some gardeners as the weather can be unpredictable and the heat unbearable.

Fortunately, there are always helpful tips and tricks to make gardening a little easier and GrowVeg happens to have 10 really useful ones.

Some are really simple yet will save you a good amount of time, life turning an old long handled tool into a measuring stick, or reusing label tags.

Other’s are much more helpful, like how to keep a crop incubated during a cold front with terracotta pot, or how to keep your plants hydrated during those sunny days with a plastic bottle water reservoir.

All that and plenty more will be sure to help your garden get through this summer season.