Pregnancy is a very magical and mysterious process. It’s only been a few years that we’ve known how it works, and we still don’t know everything. This portion of a documentary shows one of the most interesting parts of human foetal development.
The human heart is one of the first organs to take shape in the womb. At the beginning, the heart is just a dormant clump of muscle cells. But after about 22 days, one cell erupts into a series of spasms. This causes all of the other cells to spasm as well in a chain reaction.
The embryo’s brain is barely developed at this point, so the contractions are irregular. But one the baby’s nervous system forms a few weeks later, the heart begins to normalize.
From then on, the heart beats non stop in a controlled pattern for the rest of the person’s’ lifetime. Just think, every living person had to go through this process to be here! Isn’t nature wonderful?