Country Star Toby Keith Brings A Military Wife On Stage And Delivers The Surprise Of A Lifetime

Toby Keith, American country music singer-songwriter, is a huge supporter of the American military, particularly with his hit single ‘American Soldier.’

The country music superstar got a chance to give back to military families, surprising a military wife with her husband who had just returned from Afghanistan, all while on stage at a concert.

Toby Keith had just finished making a toast to the families of American armed forces, and then asked for a volunteer from the audience. 

“Before I do this next song, I said I was drinking to the families tonight of the people that are proud to wear our country’s uniform,” he said. “Has anyone here tonight got a soldier, a Marine overseas that you love and honor?”

Keith had a military wife – pre-picked from the crowd – to come onstage and sing ‘American Soldier’ with him, in dedication to her husband, Major Pete Cruz, who was stationed in Afghanistan.

Toward the end of the song, Keith’s guitarist began to play the national anthem, and none other than Major Cruz brought out an American flag guitar, embracing his wife for a tearful on stage reunion.

You can take a look at the wonderful display in the video above.