Cat Gets Caught Barking Like A Dog But Quickly Changes His Tune When His Owner Walks In

Meet the bilingual cat that can speak both cat and dog.

An owner noticed his cat behaving oddly and began recording. He catches his cat barking at dogs on the street while looking out the window.

Once the cat spots his owner, however, he quickly changes his tune and begins to meow like a normal cat.

The video went viral immediately after being posted to YouTube. It has amassed over 21 million views since being posted.

As odd as it may sound and look, a cat barking like a dog is not unheard of. Nicholas Dodman, an animal behavoiritst at Tufts University told Live Science:

“While it isn’t super normal, it’s not unheard of for cats to bark. The arrangement of the cat’s larynx, trachea and diaphragm is similar enough to a dog’s that if they operate the machinery in the right way, it will produce a noise that’s like a bark.”

We all know cats are somewhat sneaky, but now you know what they do when no one’s looking (this one at least).