This Bizarre Contraption Is Actually One Of The Oldest Elevators In The World

There’s a very interesting elevator in Copenhagen, Denmark.

It’s called the TITAN Paternoster elevator and it’s one of the oldest elevators in the world. There’s only a few Paternoster left in the world. This particular Titan model was made in 1913 but these things have been around as early as the late 1800’s.

The elevator is a chain of open compartments which can only hold 2 passengers and never stops rotating. The open compartments allow passengers to hop on and off any floor they like.

It should come as no surprise that a design like this eventually fell out of favor. The never ending loop and open compartments must have caused more than a few accidents during it’s time.

However, to ride on one of these is definitely an experience to be had before there are no more Paternoster left.