A 101-Year-Old Man Celebrates His Birthday At A Local Restaurant And Leaves With More Than He Came With

A diners policy of offering a percentage off the bill for birthday customers took a surprising turn last week. The Belmont Restaurant, accustomed to taking a percent of the check off on birthdays based on the patrons age meant that in Joseph Nelson’s case he got a 7-cent refund and a free meal.

Joseph Nelson, a World War Two veteran, celebrated his 101st birthday at the Belmont in Manchester, New Hampshire. He never expected to live this long, but says he owes his longevity to his strong belief in his faith and God.

“I put all my faith in God and I think that all of my life, every decision I’ve made in my 100 years, I think God made it for me” he told local ABC affiliate, WMUR.

As per his celebratory meal? He had scrambled eggs, ham, and of course a piece of chocolate birthday cake — all on the house.