A Baby Was Born With Only One Hand, But A Highschool Project Changed Everything.

Little 2-year-old Kaedon loves playing and loves giving hugs. He’s just like your average 2-year-old boy, he likes to run around and touch everything he can get his little hand on. But that’s where the difference comes in: he only has one.

He was born with a rare condition called amniotic band syndrome, a disorder where part of the fetus loses blood flow, resulting in the loss of limbs. Kaedon was born without a right hand.

While Kaedon became fully accustomed to his lack of hand (his brain registers no difference), his mother wanted more for him. That’s where the computer class in Brenham High School in Texas comes in.

The students looked for hand designs on the internet for them to craft with the school’s 3D printer. Once they’ve found one they were able to create a custom hand just for Kaedon.

Now, when Kaedon curls his right hand a certain way, the fingers on the printed hand close, allowing him to grab objects with his right hand for the first time.

To Kaedon, this just might be a new toy, but to his mother, it was an emotional accomplishment. Another great thing, whenever Kaedon grows out of his hand and requires a new one, the school will make one for him, free, whenever he needs it.