This World War I Christmas Story Might Be The Most Beautiful Ad Ever Made

Sainsbury’s, a supermarket chain in the United Kingdom, has made one of the most beautiful advertisement you’ll ever see.

In collaboration with the Royal British Legion, the commercial is centered around WWI era no man’s lands. You can tell it’s Christmas time because the soldiers are receiving gifts from back home.

A few men start singing “Holy Night” and a sing along among the troops commence. It’s a heart warming trope used a plethora of times in media to show whimsy, but what really nails it in this commercial is when the “enemies” start to sing along as well.

The following day, the troops put the war aside and celebrated Christmas together. They laughed, they took pictures, they talked of home, and played some soccer, but it couldn’t last for long. They said there good-byes and put on their war faces. One final good spirited gesture though, everyone loves chocolate.

The best part about this ad is the fact it’s based on true events. 100 years ago, soldiers really did forget about the war for one day in celebration of Christmas. It’s reminders like this that bring back a little hope in humanity.