A 6-Year Old Calls 911 And The Reason Why Will Leave You In Tears

This audio recording of a little girl’s 911 call 23 years ago will send you on an emotional roller coaster ride.

First you’ll be worried, hearing the cries of the little girl, then distressed as her cries for help become more desperate. You feel hope for a little bit as the operator tells the little girl that they’re sending the police, but that doesn’t last long as the sadness kicks in from the worsening situation.

Then you get angry. Angry at the step father, angry that the police aren’t getting there in time, angry at yourself for not being able to do anything even though this all happened over 20 years ago.

It was this phone call by 6-year-old Lisa Floyd that paved the way for the Lisa Project, a unique multi-sensory exhibit experience allowing the visitor to hear, see and experience the reality of the world of child abuse, as described on their website.

Lisa is now an adult who has learned and grown from the struggles she faced on a daily basis.