Before He Joined The Military, He Nearly Got Evicted. Then This Happened.

Sometimes a seemingly small act of kindness can stick with someone for the rest of their life. Long after you forget it, they’ll still cherish it. One military veteran recently described the time when his landlord stepped in when he was down on his luck. He wrote the following on a thread.


At one point I lost my job and my girlfriend of 2 years left me so I couldn’t pay for my apartment anymore. Since my name was on the lease I was forced to figure something out. I had a chat with my landlord and told him the truth.

His response? “Don’t worry about it, stay until you can figure something out.”

I looked for a job for 2 1/2 months until I felt so bad about staying there rent free so I packed all of my stuff and moved back into my parents basement. He never asked for a dime of back rent.

I have since joined the military, gotten married, and have a house of my own, but I will never forget that man’s act of kindness.

Next time you’re in the position to help someone in need — go for it. It may be all they need set their life on the right path.

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