Facebook Post Goes Viral After Man Writes This About His Father’s Surgery

A Facebook post about a man’s sick father has recently gone viral. It was shared on the popular Facebook page Love What Matters, and describes the moments right after the life-saving surgery. Read it below.

Love What Matters

After 5 years of waiting, the day finally came. My dad had a kidney transplant today. This is the moment the donor and recipient first saw each other after the transplant. Kirby’s kidney trouble was discovered at the age of 18 during a routine physical exam just before college.

At the time, his kidney function was at 26.5%. Amazingly, it remained the same for almost 35 years. In 2012, it was determined his kidney function was decreasing rapidly and he would need to get on a transplant list.

In 2015, the doctors determined it was time to start dialysis. On August 14, 2015 we turned to Facebook to find a donor. Within minutes Ricky replied stating that he had felt called to do this. After twenty-one months of rigorous testing at three different transplant centers, God has answered our prayers. He has honored Ricky’s passionate calling, along with his determination and tenacity.

On May 9th we received the news that the the board approved Ricky as a donor, and Kirby would be receiving a new kidney within a few WEEKS! On May 30th, With only a few delays in the schedule, we had a successful kidney transplant within 12 hours!

As soon as Kirby woke up in recovery, he asked to see Ricky, the donor, before he was brought to his room. There was not a dry eye in the room.

We are so thankful for The Mayo Clinic and Ricky’s selfless sacrifice to give my dad a new lease on life. Both Ricky and my dad are doing well. There’s a long road of recovery ahead but we can’t help but feel overwhelmingly blessed.


What a way to remember the good left in the world!

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