Think back to when you were a little kid, when time hardly made any sense.
Perhaps you looked at your beloved Grandpa’s wrinkled hands and salt and pepper hair and wondered how you’d ever look like that one day.
But time has its way of quickly escaping like grains of sand through fingers.
You wake up one day, and the mirror confirms it.
Here are some signs that you might be getting old.
1. You can’t find your phone until the person on the other end of the line tells you that you’re holding it.

2. You have a mild fascination with antique shows. And have started a collection.
3. You still carry around a notebook and pen.
4. You keep a physical map in the car because sometimes your GPS acts funny.

5. You find yourself phoning your children when your computer does that thing.

6. You spend ages looking for your glasses only to realize that they’re sitting on top of your head.

7. Midday naps are now mandatory.